24 Oct A Boudoir Babe Celebrating Her Sexy with Brisbane Boudoir
A Boudoir Babe Celebrating Her Sexy with a Brisbane Boudoir Shoot
Brisbane Boudoir Studio
Studio Sensuelle would like to introduce
The Fabulous & Fierce Miss J.
The reasons for having a Brisbane Boudoir Shoot are vast, but I want you know that whatever your reason, whatever your story, it is valid. Boudoir Photography is a vulnerable genre and I want you to know that I am very passionate about giving my ladies the best Boudoir Experience, in the safest space to be vulnerable, to be themselves, and to honour themselves in a beautiful empowering environment.
We all have a story, each one as valid as the other. Whether you share your story or not is completely up to you always & if you don’t want to, it’s none of anyone’s business. However, when we do share, we may touch someone more profoundly than we know. We may form a connection or a friendship, or just knowing you are not alone can be really comforting.
Having a Brisbane Boudoir Studio shoot, allows me to have a safe space where women are allowed to be vulnerable, are allowed to share without judgment & are allowed to be their best selves naturally, albeit with a bit of sass & a whole lot of ass! Having a Boudoir shoot can mean different things to different women, so finding out more about you & your reasons for having a Boudoir Shoot will help me to personalise your entire Boudoir experience from the very beginning. This is why I have an in-person planning coffee date.
Miss J was kind enough to share her story in her own words about why she chose to have a Boudoir shoot & how she made the massive decision to have a double mastectomy & reconstruction in her early 20’s. She will also share how we personalised her shoot just for her so that it would have meaning & to her.
This is her story.
Queen J!
I first got introduced to Jodie through a mutual best friend (whom of which, I could not have got through this past 18 months without). I was in the middle of a break-up from a long-term partner and was going through a particularly tough time. Meeting Jodie when I did was honestly just meant to be. We planned my photoshoot and the day I came over to view my photos would have been my Mum’s birthday.
I lost my Mum at 15, she was only 42.
Where to start…my Mum was only in her late 30s when she developed breast cancer. She was just 42 when we lost her. Along with 5 other family members who all died very young (the youngest being my cousin at 33 who left behind 3 year old twin babies). And multiple others who are thankfully still alive have also developed the disease, all originating as breast cancer and then spreading to other areas of the body and bones.
When I was 13, I got rushed into hospital with a growth the size of a tennis ball on my brain. I was had lost my vision and was quickly deteriorating. Of course, the family assumed it was a tumor. Thankfully, it was only an abscess, and although the surgeons said I would have died within hours had it not been detected that same day, I was fine. I remember my Mum telling me how the nurse ran down the hall to tell her it wasn’t a tumor and how she cried.
When I was 15 I lost my Mum to cancer, a word of which I am positive has touched most of the lives of the women here on Jodie’s page.
In my early twenties, I decided to have a double Mastectomy & reconstruction.
When I was in my early 20’s I decided I was going to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction. A massive decision for any woman, particularly at a young age. And at 25 I had my first 8 hour surgery and spent 3 months off work and in and out of the hospital. A year later, another surgery. I was told we could not be tested for the underlying gene causing Breast Cancer, as it could not be detected. Pre-surgery, I had a 90% chance of developing breast cancer before I was 40 (I am currently 36), I now have a 2% chance. A no-brainer really. I now have a beautiful, healthy 4 year old boy, who I will now hopefully have the chance of seeing grow up.
If we can include something meaningful, let’s do that.
Jodie asked me what themes I would like to have in my Boudoir Shoot, and I mentioned I had played the saxophone from an early age. She asked if I had any music that meant something to me. When I started learning to play, my Mum said she would love to one day hear me play Baker Street. And I’m happy to say she did. So I sent the music score to Jodie. She had the most amazing idea of projecting it on the screen with me standing in front of it. And it became the most beautiful and meaningful photo of my album. I also have an enlarged Metal Print displayed with pride in my home. I couldn’t thank her enough for being so thoughtful of my Mum in my shoot and going out of her way to create that moment for me.
The main takeaway for me after the Boudoir shoot was-
The main takeaway for me after the Boudoir shoot was, I kind of got to see myself as everyone else did. People give us compliments all the time don’t they, but we never truly believe them half the time. Seeing myself in my photos I thought oh actually maybe they are telling the truth. I gained the confidence to just wear what I like. Why not wear heels instead of boring flats and try not to care about what others think. Be who you want to be and don’t be scared to enjoy feeling sexy and confident.
Stay strong ladies. x
I just can’t thank you enough for sharing your story beautiful Miss J, Cancer is definitely something so many family & friends have had or are dealing with right now. Doing this shoot & customising it the way we did, makes me so proud that I kept asking those questions. Sometimes it isn’t always obvious & when asked, how would you like to personalise your shoot or tell me some things that make you happy or what do you like to do, what are your hobbies… & if you kind of go blank, please know that by the end of the planning session, we will tailor your Boudoir shoot just for you, whether it includes a Bath session, cuffs & collars or as we did with Miss J, some sheet music & books. This is YOUR shoot, & I will listen to your suggestions & guide you through one of the most empowering, fabulous experiences of your life.
Let’s make beautiful memories of you with your very own Boudoir Shoot. I would love for you to have the most beautiful intimate photos of yourself, where you feel connected, empowered & that when you open your album or walk into your bedroom & see your portrait, you are proud to be you & it puts a big ass smile on your face. Let’s have a chat about how I can personalise your Boudoir Experience.
It’s super easy,
The Beautiful Miss J-