21 Jan Finding your Self Worth Again
I absolutely love making the beautiful ladies that walk through my studio door feel like a million dollars!!! A lot of ladies that come and see me are single, have gone through a terrible break up or have lost someone dear to them. It’s so important to get your groove back. Realising how beautiful you are and that you are where you are meant to be right now for whatever reason… will free you & give you the best feeling ever!!! Doing a Boudoir shoot that will make you feel amazing and give you that tingly feeling when you see it up on the wall when you walk into your room or in a beautiful album that when you turn every page you see, and say yes this is me! The feelings that come to mind would be… #pride #empowered #selfworth #thisisme <3 I would love you to send me your story and tell me why you feel you need this NOW! I have a special price just for you! All you need to do is like my facebook page and fill out my contact form. I will contact you and we can talk about not only taking beautiful portraits of you but how you can start to love yourself more and be really happy with who you are. <3
Stay Fabulous.
Jodie xoxo