A gorgeous mini card deck size Inner Goddess Oracle Cards complete with a QR code for your Inner Goddess readings & instructions. You will be all set to do readings for yourself or your friends. This is a cute pack that you can carry in your handbag & keep on you at all times. You never know when you or a loved one needs a bit of guidance or some affirmation that they are on the right path. The Inner Goddess Guide Book can be easily made into an App, the instructions are in the link included.
If you are a past client Boudoir Client of mine, you may recognise this luscious oracle deck, it has given many of my ladies beautiful messages from the universe and was created to help you tune in to your intuition, fire up your creativity, and celebrate your sacred feminine spirit. I found my deck in a cool little alley in Burleigh. Knowing how spiritual Burleigh is, I knew these cards were going to be special. And they have been. If you are unaware, I give my ladies an Inner Goddess Reading when they come in for their planning appointment for their Boudoir Photo Session. I am always blown away with the messages that come through, we may have just been talking about the exact thing the cards want you to know!! Amazing! I am so happy, that now you can have your very own deck! How exciting!
All you need to do is, give the cards a shuffle, knock them 3 times & ask the cards, "With unconditional Love, what do I most need to know right now? You can either spread them on the table, choose from the top middle, or bottom, wherever you are guided. This is your card for now. You will see in the front of the guidebook that are other ways to do your card readings, try these too for a more in-depth reading.
This mini oracle kit featuring Lisa Ferrante's inspiring art and Alana Fairchild's spiritual guidance provides the support you need to discover and express your true purpose. It's time to love your inner goddess, as you live with playfulness and courage, straight from the heart.
I would love to know what you learned & if it rang true for you, message me anytime.